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The Soothing Power of Colours in Art Therapy

Covered paper in colours with paint brushes lying on it.
Colours and Art Therapy

Before exploring the healing potential of art therapy, my world was a palette of vibrant colours as a make-up artist and wig dresser at the West End, London. Crafting stunning visuals for theatre performances was thrilling. 

Yet, around five years ago, I paused my career to embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood. This shift left a void where my creative passions once thrived.

Paul, my cherished partner, led me to painting. He gifted me an easel and a set of colourful paint and urged me to express my feelings through art. 

As I started painting, I discovered that the colours on my canvas were more than simple decorations – they were manifestations of my deepest emotions and silent thoughts. The painting evolved into an essential outlet for me. It helped me navigate the complexities of motherhood and personal evolution. Life was good. 

Can Art Therapy Help with Grief?

When I faced the sudden loss of Paul, my world fell apart. The grief was suffocating. 

In those darkest moments, the spectrum of colours clung to hope for me. My involvement with colour therapy deepened – I explored chromotherapy more thoroughly to learn how various shades could aid healing. 

Combining these colours with yoga and meditation enhanced my coping strategies. It transformed my art into a refuge where I could discover peace and resilience.

So yes, in my opinion, art therapy – and specifically colour therapy – can help with grief. 

Before I go a bit further in explaining all the ways that colour therapy might help you, here is a poem from my newly published book “My Journey Through Grief: A Personal Path of Loss, Love, and Healing Through Poems” that describes how I feel about healing through colour therapy the best. This poem is called Colour Your Grief:

In the palette of emotions, grief has its hue.

A unique, vibrant, and true colour.

It paints our world with shades of blue,

And yet, within it, there’s beauty to pursue.

Colour your grief with the tears you shed.

Let them flow freely, like rivers ahead.

Each drop holds a story, left unsaid,

A testament to the love that’s not dead.

Colour your grief with the warmth of red.

The fire within keeps you ahead.

Let it fuel your strength as you tread

Through the darkest nights, where hope is spread.

Colour your grief with the golden light.

That illuminates the path in the darkest night.

Find solace in the memories, shining bright,

And let them guide you like stars in flight.

Colour your grief with the green of growth,

For even in sorrow, there’s room for both.

Allow yourself to heal, to find new hope,

And let your spirit bloom like a flower’s oath.

Colour your grief with vibrant hues

Of laughter, love, and moments you choose.

Embrace the spectrum, the highs, and lows,

For your heart will grow in colouring your grief.

So let the canvas of your grief unfold,

With every colour, every story it holds.

Embrace the journey as you gently mould

A masterpiece of healing, bravery, being bold.

What is Colour Therapy?

Colour therapy, or chromotherapy, is a method of healing that uses the colour spectrum to improve mental and emotional well-being. Each colour radiates distinct wavelengths and energies and uniquely influences our psychological state. 

The effect and meaning of colours vary. For example, blue often brings a sense of calm, red can energise, and yellow tends to uplift spirits. This therapy utilises these energies to help harmonise and improve our emotional health.

How Do Colours Affect Mood?

From my own experiences, I've learned that colours deeply affect our moods. Take green, for instance—it has a remarkable soothing effect on me. This colour evokes the fresh start that nature offers. It brings peace and tranquillity to my soul. It also symbolises growth. The power of colours like green extends beyond mere aesthetics—they shape our feelings.

Do You Need to Be an Artist to Benefit from Art Therapy?

Allow me to clear up a widespread misconception: artistic talent or experience is not a prerequisite for benefiting from art therapy. 

Colour therapy focuses on expressing your inner experiences rather than artistic technicality. It’s designed for anyone who wants to explore their emotions through a creative lens. 

It is surprisingly freeing to express your feelings through paint or pencil on canvas or paper without worrying about the final product.

What Are Mandalas and How Can They Help?

Mandalas are a simple way to start experiencing the benefits of colour therapy. They are detailed, circular designs. They embody the universe in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. 

In art therapy, creating or colouring mandalas is a peaceful cantering activity. This practice invites deep creativity and provides a focal point for gathering thoughts and emotions. Completing a mandala's intricate patterns can give you a surprisingly profound sense of peace and achievement.

Mandalas for Healing

Colouring mandalas can be very enjoyable. Research and insights from experts confirm that they can effectively reduce stress and anxiety. The structured designs of mandalas provide a focal point that helps divert attention from stressful thoughts, promoting a sense of calm. 

As a result, colouring becomes a valuable activity for anyone looking for a moment of peace amidst the busyness of everyday life.

Where to Find Art Therapy Resources?

Many resources are available if you’re interested in exploring art therapy further. You can find books on art therapy techniques, materials for creating your art, and even local workshops or sessions led by professional art therapists. 

Additionally, I am excited to share that my upcoming mandala colouring book will soon be available. I designed it to help others use colour and pattern for emotional relief.

Art Therapy: Healing for Everyone

I want to emphasise an important point: Art therapy is accessible to everyone. You don't need to be a trained artist to reap its benefits. It's about allowing your heart to communicate through colours and movements, about expressing and understanding your emotions in ways that words often fail to capture. Whether it involves painting, drawing, or completing mandalas, creating is a powerful way to heal emotionally.

From my journey, I've discovered that participating in art therapy can be as simple as doodling on scrap paper or as complex as painting a detailed landscape. 

The main goal is to release preconceived notions and let the creative process facilitate emotional exploration. Chromotherapy focuses less on the final product and more on the insights and relief that result from the act of creation.

Suppose you'd like to explore more about how I've dealt with my grief and transformed my emotions. In that case, you may find deeper insights and related strategies in my previous articles, such as “Healing from Grief: Embracing the Benefits of Crying” where I discuss the emotional release through crying. 

Another blog you might want to read is “How I Transformed My Anger into Healing During the Grief Process (And How You Can Too!),” which details the journey from anger to healing in grief.

Start Your Healing Journey with Art Therapy

Starting with art therapy might be a wonderfully enriching decision for your emotional health. 

It doesn’t matter if you're painting, colouring mandalas, or even incorporating vibrant colours into your home décor —the positive impact can be significant. 

I invite you to try these activities and discover how they might enrich your life. If you want more insights and personal experiences, consider exploring my book. In it, I share deeper reflections on how art and colour therapy have been instrumental in my healing journey.

For personal stories and guidance, follow me on Instagram, where I share insights and connect with a community of people who find solace in colours and art.


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